Looking for domain hosting? How to choose the right hosting for your site?

Domain hosting

Are you planning to create a website from scratch for your business, do you need domain hosting, or are you not satisfied with the hosting you already have? You are probably interested in learning more about the types of hosting available for a website and how to find the one that suits your needs.

Because it’s not an easy job, and can be difficult to document yourself if you don’t know where to start, we thought we’d support you with a review of the main types of web hosting. We will help you find out the advantages and disadvantages of each type of hosting and what to choose for your site.

Before we get started, let’s see what exactly web hosting is. In short, it is a paid service that helps your site appear on the internet and be viewable, based on a contract or subscription.

As you may have guessed, given the impressive number of websites created daily (online stores, presentation portfolios, personal blogs, etc.), there is a wide range of services and hosting packages on the market, tailored to each.

In the following, we will present some of them to help you make the right decision for you.

Main types of domain hosting

#1 Shared hosting

It is the most popular type of hosting. Basically, a server’s resources are shared to meet the needs of multiple website owners. This type of hosting is intended for you if you already have or plan to create one or two presentation sites.

Why would you choose this type of hosting? Because both the storage space on the server and the costs are shared, therefore you will pay less. Small businesses usually use this type of hosting to minimize costs.

If that’s what you want, you can opt for this option. Basically, you will be able to have your own domain, e-mail address, and databases, and you will benefit from decent technical support, but you will share the server with other sites.

However, it should also be mentioned that this type of hosting is rather recommended if you have a small site or a new site because there are a number of disadvantages. If you share the server with popular sites that attract a lot of traffic, the performance of your site may be affected, and you may have some traffic limitations.

#2 VPS Hosting or Hosting on virtual private servers

We recommend this option if you already have a website with significant traffic. Most people who have a growing business choose to switch from shared hosting to VPS hosting.

Why? First, you have a much more diversified hosting plan and you yourself receive a part of the space on that server. You’ve probably already guessed what that means – if you don’t share resources with other site owners, you’ll have a much higher performance of your own site.

You can view hosting on private servers as a middle ground if you want a powerful solution, but you are not yet ready to switch to a dedicated server.

Hostinger might be a solution for you.

#3 Domain hosting on dedicated servers

This type of hosting involves a server used only by you. Basically, you rent a physical server owned by a hosting company, and you have total control.

What does that mean, in short? You will have more resources, unmetered traffic, and you will be able to configure your server as you like. Also, you won’t have to worry about other websites on the server that use its resources or slow down the loading of your own website.

This series of advantages that it offers you also involves a higher cost. It is a slightly more expensive hosting option. If you already have a well-established site on the market with a lot of traffic, and you want the best performance, we recommend you consider this option.

#4 Place server

This type of hosting involves payment on your part to the server colocation service for the right to use the space in a data center, network, or hardware.

Simply put, you rent space for your own server from a data center and instead receive security from the company, a permanent power source, and a dedicated internet connection.

A disadvantage of this solution is that you have to be responsible for your own server software, data storage, backup procedures, etc. If the hardware no longer works, you will need to replace it and run the server again, so this option is only cost-effective in the long run if you have some technical knowledge.

We do not recommend this option to small businesses in the long run, because it is a bigger investment in terms of time, money, and expertise.

#5 Cloud Web Hosting

This solution involves hundreds of individual servers working together. Some advantages to consider:

If you have a site with increasing traffic, with higher traffic, you can supplement the resources to cope, so you will not have problems and the server will not go harder.

In the case of cloud hosting, not only will your site cope with a significant increase in visitors but if you have periods when your site is stagnant, or you don’t have as many visits as before, even fewer resources will be consumed. And you will be able to save money.

#6 Hosting optimized for WordPress

With the growth of the WordPress platform, many web hosting companies offer WordPress hosting.

Occasionally, if you use domain hosting on WordPress, you will have security, you will be protected from possible attacks by hackers and your site will be constantly updated.

This solution is ideal for you if you have a start-up or an already established business that uses the WordPress platform.


I have introduced you to the main types of domain hosting, but as you probably suspect, once your needs and business change, you will need to upgrade your hosting for the best results, appropriate to the stage you are in.

I hope my article has helped you understand broadly what web hosting is and how to choose the right hosting for you, whether you want to start a business or move to better hosting for your site. You’re already existing.

For more information about web hosting, see this article: “Everything You Need to Know About Web Hosting.”

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