How to create a Frequently Asked Questions page?

The Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) page on an eCommerce site, or even on a presentation site, has the role of convincing users to complete the purchase process. Even if you didn’t look at it this way, this page is part of the sales funnel and is an important step in the sale-purchase strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions by findtheblogger

Knowing how to optimize the Frequently Asked Questions page is no longer just a recommendation but can differentiate you from the competition.

But in most cases, the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page is just another thing that needs to be done to cram some more keywords into the site. It is, if you will, a fashionable SEO technique because everyone does it.

But, behind appearances, this special section of your site is actually an extremely important landing page.

Once on the FAQ page, your customer is ready to place the order. But what stops him from doing it is a small detail that you can anticipate with a well-formulated question and answer.

FAQ Digital Marketing

In short, if a visitor reaches the FAQ page he wants to know a specific detail about the product or service that you sell online. If he finds a timely answer to the question he has, the visitor will decide to complete the order. Otherwise, you may look for answers elsewhere.

As you can see, it’s all about the approach and the online experience you offer. Your sales depend on many variables and a detail such as optimizing the Frequently Asked Questions page should not limit your success.

Learn how to increase sales through quality video content.

So let’s see how you can create questions that sell and how you can optimize the FAQ page effortlessly.

Tips for optimizing the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page

Most of the time you start from the premise that an extra thing cannot negatively affect the indexing of your site. But, as is usually the case, a recommended but incorrectly implemented activity produces more negative effects than if it had not been applied from the beginning.

And this principle also applies in our case. You better give up the FAQ page if you are not willing to pay due attention to it.

In addition, you may ask the right questions and answers without results if they fail to be read. SEO rule number 1: it is useless to write quality content if no one reads it.

So, as you do with any other item on your online site, the FAQ page needs a few tricks to really sell.

Learn how to optimize your product page to increase online sales in the shortest time possible.

Ask the right questions

Ask the right questions

It goes without saying that the FAQ page must contain the right questions. It is not for nothing that it is called Frequently Asked Questions.

Well, if you take a look at most sites, you will see a big mess among the frequently chosen questions. And, as I said in the introductory lines above, this page seems, most of the time, made because it is recommended.

Bottom line: Too few site administrators or SEOs really understand the purpose of this page.

You don’t have to post as many questions here as you hope you will.

And no, Frequently Asked Questions is not a reinterpreted blog.

If you want to optimize the FAQ page then you need to know that it is part of the sales process.

Therefore, it does not include general questions about your company or about services and products that are not related to the activity that you carry out.

Identify customer fears, which could lead to order completion.

Ask customers questions, not yours, and don’t hunt for keywords.

How do you identify the right questions?

Analyze the comments you receive on the site, or on the Google My Business page. Read incoming emails or replies from online forms.

Analyze the same things for competing sites and make a list of the most common issues that customers raise.

Use the search engine: type in Google about your product or service, then go to the bottom of the page in the Searches section. The recommendations that Google offers can become the subject of frequently asked questions.

In short, get into your client’s skin and identify their fears. Then transpose everything to the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Give the right answers

A correctly asked question is not enough to guarantee the completion of the sale.

The answer you give is just as important.

Provides clear, short, and punctual answers.

Don’t get lost in the details and don’t try to provide information unrelated to the question being asked. You will only succeed in transmitting insecurity and raising other issues in the minds of your customers.

The shorter and clearer your answer, the better the chances that the sale will end in the end.

Again, don’t think about SEO recommendations when optimizing your answers on the FAQ page. Just think about convincing users that the services or products you sell are right for their needs.

And don’t hesitate to put yourself in the place of your customers. Definitely buy online. Of course, you always want the best services, whether it’s the price you pay, the quality of the products purchased, delivered, or return. Think about what your fears are and what are the aspects that convince you to buy. In the end, think about how much time you spend to find out about all these things.

All this information will help you provide both the questions and the right answers on the FAQ page.

Optimize the content of questions and answers

I’ve told you so far not to think about SEO practices when choosing questions and planning the right answers.

However, do not completely ignore this detail.

The questions should be as close as possible to the actual queries of the users. This way, your FAQ page will be better indexed in search engines. In the same way, your questions will contain the keywords suitable for your field of activity.

You must do the same for the answers. Anticipate what your customers want to hear from you. Of course, you must not be misled because a deceptive tactic will turn against you.

The better you manage to identify the profile of the target audience, the more effective the optimization of questions and answers will be. And keyword inclusion will be effortless, intuitive.

Learn how to create a buyer persona profile to identify your target audience.

In the end, you will have SEO-optimized content without a pre-established plan.

Choose the efficient structure

I already told you that it is useless to provide quality content if it is not read by anyone.

This is also the case when talking about optimizing the Frequently Asked Questions page.

You chose the questions well and wrote the answers well. Are they accessible? Can they be easily found on your site?

These are the questions you need to ask at this point.

I recommend that you structure the FAQ page by categories of interest. Moreover, it is good that the questions are visible without cumbersome navigation – without the need to scroll through the page and without removing the user from the parent page.

faq microsoft

To better understand I have the Microsoft example for you. If you access the Microsoft page dedicated to frequently asked questions, you will see that you are greeted by only 2 categories, as seen in the image above.

Then, as soon as you have selected the category that interests you, the actual questions will open. And you see them all without the need for a single scroll. Each answer opens in an accordion system, on the same page. Everything is clear and simple (see the image below for details).

faq microsoft

The better you structure this page, the shorter the time your user has to waste looking for the information they need. And online time makes a difference.

Be efficient for your customers and they will reward you with more orders.

Provides online support

Because you can’t be 100% cautious and can’t include all the possible questions in the FAQ page, you need to provide online support.

No matter how much information you give about your company and the services and products you sell, it will never be enough.

That’s why you need to stay with your potential customers. Try to provide the best online experience and the most effective support.

Includes an online chat system for those who want to connect instantly.

You can implement a discrete system that displays the chat dot only when the user is not doing any activity on the site – for example, you can display a pop-up with the message Need help if the user has no activity on the page open for 20 seconds. The premise is that, during this time, he is looking for information that he cannot find.

For example with ConvertFlow, you can create, personalize, and launch landing pages, forms, surveys, quizzes, sticky bars, and popups from one platform without writing code.

Don’t forget the traditional contact information either. The phone number and email address at which you can be contacted must always be visible on your website – for example, you can include them in the header.

It is important to maintain discretion with the client and give them the freedom they need.

If you had a physical store, you certainly wouldn’t run to your customer as soon as he walked in the store door. You would let him observe the products from a distance, identify what he was looking for and then ask him. Can I help you with something?

This is how the assistance you offer in online commerce should be viewed.


The tips above will help you optimize the Frequently Asked Questions page on your site.

As you can see, in order to increase online sales, the optimization activity never stops. There is always something to do, but as you learn how to apply the right solutions the results will not belong in coming.

Remember that after each change you make you run A / B tests to track the effects. Not always the solutions that work for one site will have the same effect for others. Test, analyze and keep only what has results.

You can track statistics and reports using Google Analytics and Search Console.

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