The best 3 SEO strategies for long-term WordPress maintenance

3 SEO strategies

Immediately after the publication of a new site, the real work of an SEO strategies begins. Even if it seems that web page optimization strategies stop with the indexing of the site in search engines, this is not the case.

Or, rather, it should not be so.

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WordPress maintenance, because we will talk about it in today’s article, does not just mean paying for the hosting service. And it’s not just about fixing certain functionality issues that may or may not occur at some point.

In essence, a good online presence is achieved over time. An SEO specialist is not only skilled, he is also persevering.

And the on and off page optimization strategy and plan is part of WordPress monthly maintenance. In fact, you should know that this stage cannot be missing from a good administration of a site, be it new or old.

If you want to personally take care of these activities, you may face some challenges. In principle, you may not have enough time to follow all the activities that are part of the maintenance process. You will draw the conclusions yourself.

The purpose of this article will be to explain the best 3 SEO strategies to apply and include in the WordPress maintenance process. Everything for the best online results in the medium and long term.

But be very careful. These activities are part of a more complex plan for managing a WordPress site. More details on how to perform a maintenance that gives results can be found in our article What is the role of the maintenance process in the administration of your site.

3 SEO strategies for WordPress maintenance to apply

Google Analytics and Search Console

After the publication of the site, its monitoring begins.

Of course, in order to have something to monitor, you have to add it in 2 tools, or services, that allow you to do this.

Google Analytics and Search Console are the services I’m talking about. They are platforms developed and offered by Google and are available for free. Their role is to help you follow Google’s recommendations for organic indexing of web pages.

In the Search Console you will get data about the indexing status. In short, see if all pages are properly indexed, if there are errors, or if Google is having trouble trying to read your site.

And, in the Search Console you also see the external and internal links for the web pages and you have data about the organic positioning according to the accesses on the site. I explained more about these reports when we talked about how the Search Console helps you optimize your site.

In Google Analytics, you report on the behavior of users who visit your web pages. In short, you get an idea about popular pages, about traffic sources, about what those who come to your site do.

Of course, all this data helps you understand what you need to do next to increase traffic and increase profit. You can read more about how to use these reports to your advantage by checking out the most important Google Analytics metrics.

What you need to conclude is this: SEO strategy as part of WordPress maintenance cannot be achieved in the absence of reports obtained from Google Analytics and Search Console. It is the first step you take when you want good administration for your recently published website.

Competition analysis

Once you’ve set up monitoring your Search Console and Analytics reports, it’s time to move on to the next level.

All the reports you notice don’t really help you if you don’t look at them from the perspective. And here the perspective goes hand in hand with your direct competition.

WordPress maintenance and site administration following an SEO strategy are not activities that only you do. Everyone does this and this is where your direct competition comes in.

In short, to have the much desired success you have to bring something new, something that is missing from the competition.

And then you always have to keep an eye on your neighbor’s yard. Notice the changes made, the keywords targeted by competitors and almost all the new and good things that others do. Don’t worry, and your site is analyzed in detail.

Write down the observations and correlate them with the reports already discussed. From this point on, all you have to do is find opportunities for your site.

It can be about a new keyword research, about rewriting meta tags or about optimizing online content. Or, why not, you can conclude that you need to add new services and new features to your site.

Learn how to do keyword research and how to optimize content without the help of a specialist.

Whatever you decide, the strategy must be documented and based on analysis. Intuition, most of the time, does not help you when it comes to organic growth plans. That’s why the work of an SEO specialist involves numbers, tables, graphs and many other elements in which you can lose your focus without too much effort.

And we come to the last SEO strategy that you need to include in the monthly WordPress maintenance process. Remember, of course, that these are just the most important plans to keep in mind. As I told you before, there are many other things you should think about.

After checking the reports in Analytics and Search Console and after analyzing what the competition does, you have to make decisions.

Among your conclusions it is necessary to slip 2 new directions: a good backlink strategy and increase authority.

The two are linked because the more backlinks you bring, the higher the authority of your site.

The outcome?

A much better presence in the online environment. This means increased traffic to the site, higher conversion rate and, obviously, profit that may surprise you.

As I told you in the introduction to this article, online success is not achieved overnight. You have to be persevering and insistent in applying all SEO strategies.

You will not always have the desired results. You will often realize that certain plans have done more harm than good. And at that moment it is necessary to resume the whole process from the beginning.

But in the end, it’s important not to give up. After all, WordPress maintenance and administration talks about this: monthly activities in order to optimize, streamline and improve.

Without doing all this you will not differentiate yourself from others. And since the competition is fierce, being part of the platoon is not something you want.

So, gather as many links as possible. Invest in brand awareness and you will see how the perspective gradually changes.


These 3 SEO strategies for WordPress maintenance will help you increase the authority of your site. In short, by applying a constant optimization plan you get to have a better presence in the results displayed by search engines.

Before starting to administer your site, I recommend that you read the Page Quality Rating recommendations. There you will find information on how to index and rank web pages by Google algorithms.

Every SEO strategy must start from these rules and trends.

Of course, if you come to the conclusion that you can’t do them all, don’t worry. You can let a specialist take over the maintenance of your WordPress site. And you will be able to continue to grow your business.

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