Do you have several online business ideas and you don’t know which one to choose? Are you flirting with the idea of starting an online business but you don’t know how to choose the right field of activity? These are the questions that any entrepreneur has at the beginning of the road.
Because we want to help you find inspiration more easily and make the right decisions, we have prepared a list of 10 online business ideas that you can easily develop.
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What do I need to develop online business ideas?
Probably when you think about starting a business, you visualize an office space and you already think about significant costs for renting and administration. Find out that, thanks to the technology we have, you can easily start your business from the comfort of your own home, using only the internet.
Which means you can start a home business without having a dedicated budget for this purpose.
If you want to open a branch, you will be able to do so in the future, but today technology allows you to skip this step and enjoy all the benefits of the online environment.
Before we move on to listing a few online business ideas, as we promised, we want to make a rather important clarification first. Regardless of the specifics of your online business, you need a lot of time and dedication, especially in the beginning stage, to achieve all your goals, position yourself in the market and attract potential customers.
There is no simple recipe that will guarantee you results, but work and perseverance can definitely help you. If you have these two, the following 10 online business ideas might interest you.
1. Provides SEO consulting
If you are good at search engines and know how to use Google Analytics, you can start an online business in the field of SEO consulting. It is important to know that you need training, you must be a specialist in order to provide advice in this area.
As the emphasis on content grows more and more and company managers are beginning to understand the importance of online visibility, they are increasingly turning to SEO specialists to transform their websites and show them. how to interpret the data and use certain keywords.
Remember, in order to offer relevant services, you must know very well tools such as Search Console or Keyword Planner and to master concepts such as buyer persona profile or purchase intentions.
2. Create a blog
Anyone can create a quick and easy blog today. There are many examples of successful people who started as bloggers and later started successful online businesses.
Most people have a blog, but it can also become an online business idea from which you can get a satisfactory income. We recommend that you choose a niche (parenting, fashion, shopping, holidays), write constantly and be patient. You have to invest time and effort in a blog, but if you keep up the good work, you will get results.
Read our guide on how to build a WordPress blog.
3. Write content for other businesses
The need for content has started to grow on the internet, so if you are passionate about writing, you can offer your services and start an online business in the field of content editing. From writing articles, product descriptions or press releases, there is a growing market that you can activate, you just need time, passion and patience.
4. Video blogging
In recent years, the video blogging industry has grown exponentially and the demand for quality video content is also growing. YouTube offers the largest video blogging platform – you can start by creating and sharing video content on a topic that interests you.
If you post quality information, you will be noticed and you will be able to slowly grow an audience. The best part is that YouTube can help you turn this passion into an online business idea. You can make money from your content by placing ads, attracting sponsors, etc.
See also how to increase online sales through quality video content.
5. Be a freelance photographer and sell your photos on free photo sites
Are you passionate about photography? We offer you an interesting niche that you may not have thought of until now. Free photo sites are highly sought after by most people who write content, business or NGOs. These free photo resources are valuable, especially if you can’t use copyrighted photos.
Why wouldn’t you be the one providing those pictures? You can build an online portfolio and sell photos on various stock photo sites.
Demand exists and companies will definitely pay, especially if the services are quality. Some such sites are and
6. Offers online courses
Whether we are talking about specialized courses (WordPress, copywriting, programming) or guitar, dance or piano courses, there is an online application for professionals in all fields, willing to teach others.
Are you good at a certain niche? You can start from there, you can become a specialist in a field and then you will be able to easily teach others. There will certainly be many people who need your advice and if you create a strong online platform, you will be able to get a satisfactory income, as long as you dedicate time and effort in this regard.
7. Business coaching
If you have experience in the business environment, studies in the field of coaching and have the necessary knowledge, a profitable online business idea for you would be to create a coaching service for young entrepreneurs. You can use your experience and talent to help customers at the beginning of the road, especially given the fact that their number increases from year to year. More and more people want to open their own business and your advice will be in high demand.
8. Web Design
If you are a specialist in web design and you like to create presentation sites or online stores, you can open your own online business in this field. More and more individuals, but also legal entities, need presentation sites made from scratch or updating the old ones, so there will always be a demand on this market segment.
If you like what you do and are willing to invest time and resources in the long run, you will get results.
9. Social media consulting
Large companies frequently hire a social media agency, but small companies usually deal with social media marketing on their own. Because managers often feel overwhelmed by the rest of their responsibilities and do not have time to deal properly with social media activity, you can provide them with advice. Once you have built a reputation, you can start an online business that offers social media consulting.
Most companies try to be present on as many social networks as possible. Your services can help them create and implement the best communication strategies for their target audience and, as their number of subscribers increases, the prestige of your own business will increase.
Want to know how you can use social media to your advantage? Find out more details in the article “How to bring more social media traffic to your site!”
10. Provides remote technical support
Most small businesses do not have the funds to hire a full-time IT specialist, so they usually turn to a friend or family member to resolve urgent issues.
If you are good at computers and computer networks, you can offer an online technical support service so that these companies can turn to you in the future. You can help them remotely using your phone or Skype and you don’t necessarily need an office.
These are just a few online business ideas that you can implement easily and at minimal cost.
If you are planning to build an audience and get a satisfactory income from a distance, whether or not you also benefit from a headquarters or an offline business, I hope the ideas in this article have been useful to you.